Monday, March 21, 2011

For the Foodies out there

For all the foodies out there, Vietnam is food paradise. With influences from French as well as the surrounding Asian neighbours, the food in Vietnam is delicious. But what I really love about Vietnamese food  is its freshness. Vegetables, meat and fish are bought from the markets on the day it is cooked. Many people in Vietnam, including many of my Cham relatives also grow their own vegetables and fruits, especially jackfruit and bananas.

The jackfruit tree growing in the courtyard of my uncle's house- one of my favourite tropical fruits

 The bananas here are so delicious, sweet and fragrant

My cousin's husband, Hamileen, serving the food. Notice the symetry of the dishes. Everything is lined perfectly.

My cousin and uncle placing food on the "Cham table" i.e the floor. In Cham culture, men play an active role in helping set the table, serve the food and clean up.

A sample of our first family meal in Vietnam- the Cham famous beef curry, with marinated grilled fish and the mandatory salad.

I was obsessed with coffee sua da when I was here. Strong coffee with condensed milk. It is such a delicious and refreshing drink. I loved starting my day with it.

My relatives found out that I love banh xeo (savoury Vietnamese crepes) and made these for us the second day we were there.

Although many Chams have a bit of a sweet tooth, not many Cham sweets are overly sweet. My favourite Cham sweet is a pretzel shape biscuit, usually served at weddings.

Dean being fed fresh young cocnut by our aunty.

Just two weeks here and I have probably gained an extra 3 kilos. I couldn't stop sampling and enjoying the food lovingly prepared and cooked by family and friends.

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